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Archive by tag: HealthReturn

New hospital construction officially commences

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New hospital construction officially commences
SMMC has officially handed over the grounds where the construction will take place to INSO, the general contractor for the construction of the new St. Maarten General Hospital (SMGH).
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| Categories: Press Releases, News / Updates | Tags: SMGH, St.Maarten General Hospital, SMMC, Healthcare | View Count: (5044) |
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SMMC installs Micro-Grinder to process its medical waste
St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) recently installed a Micro-Grinder, a medical waste processer, on its premises in order to safely treat its medical waste.
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| Categories: Press Releases | Tags: SMMC, Hospital, Waste, Medical Waste, Environment, Microgrinder, St. Maarten, St. Martin, Healthcare | View Count: (3026) |
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Five questions every man should ask his doctor

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Five questions every man should ask his doctor
This week Men’s Health Week is celebrated around the world leading up to Father’s Day. The purpose of Men’s Health Week is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men. Going to the doctor plays an important part of maintaining overall health and wellness.
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| Categories: Featured topics, Press Releases | Tags: Men's Health | View Count: (1876) |
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SMMC World Kidney Day Celebration – Creating Awareness and Support
The St. Maarten Medical Center celebrated International World Kidney day on Thursday March 8th 2018. The specialists, staff and patients of the SMMC Nephrology department created activities, such as radio interviews, press releases and social media activities leading up to the in-house celebration whereby public information sessions were held on the SMMC patio.
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| Categories: Events, Press Releases | Tags: nephrologists, dialysis, world kidney day, women health, dialysis nurses | View Count: (5959) |
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Dear Men, Do you have the Metabolic Syndrome?

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Dear Men, Do you have the Metabolic Syndrome?
In our community there is a common health disorder that is hiding in plain sight among a great number of men in our community. Doctors see it in their practice on a regular: men continuously struggling to lead healthy lifestyles; men who have metabolic syndrome.
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| Categories: Featured topics, Press Releases | Tags: Men's Health, June, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, hypertention, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, Obesity, Healthy eating | View Count: (3235) |
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